Grenfell Testimony Week

Tuesday 23rd - Friday 26th January 2024

Grenfell Testimony Week is a platform for those affected by the Grenfell Tower Fire in 2017 who wish to speak about the impact it has had on them and those they care about.

The event forms part of a Settlement Agreement signed in 2023, which was the result of a civil claim brought by a large group of bereaved, survivors and residents affected by the Grenfell Tower Fire, against a group of Defendants comprised of private companies, local government bodies, central government departments, and the London Fire Brigade.

The purpose of Testimony Week is for those bereaved, survivors and residents who wish to do so to speak directly to representatives from the Defendant organisations that many of them hold responsible for the fire, as well as for some people to a wider audience. Senior representatives from all Defendants involved in the settlement of the civil claim have been invited.

Testimony Week will take place from 23 to 26 January in central London. The shape and content of the event is being driven by the people participating. This will include live spoken testimony, pre-recorded contributions, written statements, and other contributions such as artworks. The event will not be subject to the same restrictions as a formal legal process.

Testimony Week – and the broader civil claim settlement – is completely independent of, and has no impact upon, the ongoing Grenfell Tower Inquiry which is due to publish its report in 2024, or any forthcoming decision by the Crown Prosecution Service on whether to pursue criminal charges against any individuals or organisations after publication of the Inquiry’s final report.

In those respects, the fight for justice by the bereaved, survivors and local residents continues.

Contact Us

For all enquiries, please contact the Testimony Week team using the contact details below:

Testimony Week Event Co-ordinators

Media Enquiries